
Showing posts with the label Repaying Unfaithfulness with Faithfulness (Homily for Friday of the 14th week in Ordinary time year II July 12 2024)

Repaying Unfaithfulness with Faithfulness (Homily for Friday of the 14th week in Ordinary time year II July 12 2024

Homily for Friday of the 14th week in Ordinary time year II July 12 2024 Hosea 14:1-9; Psalm 51; Mathew 10:16-23 Repaying Unfaithfulness with Faithfulness Despite Israel's sinfulness, the Lord does not wait for her to repent before reaching out. He passionately calls her to Himself for restoration. While God has nothing to gain from Israel's repentance, Israel stands to gain everything from her intimacy with the Lord. Yet, it is the Lord who extends His hand of fellowship towards Israel, repaying her unfaithfulness with faithfulness. This is a challenging practice for humans. Love between individuals grows when reciprocated. When one partner loves without being loved in return, the relationship can become frustrating and unhealthy. In the gospel reading, Jesus tells His disciples that to succeed in their mission, they must be prepared to endure cruelty from those they minister to. Despite their sacrifices to bring the gospel to people's doorsteps, the message will not alway