
Showing posts with the label Evil does exist: keep overcoming it (HOMILY FOR SATURDAY OF THE 16TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR II JULY 27 2024]

Evil does exist: keep overcoming it (HOMILY FOR SATURDAY OF THE 16TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR II JULY 27 2024)

HOMILY FOR SATURDAY OF THE 16TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR II (JULY 27 2024) Jer.7:1-7; Ps.24; Matthew 13:24-30 Evil does exist: keep overcoming it When God created us, he charged us to be fruitful. Being fruitful means to expand God’s kingdom here on earth. We constantly face interruptions from within and from outside towards fulfilling this God-given purpose. In the gospel reading of yesterday (Matthew 13:18-23) Jesus taught us that lack of openness to God’s Word constitutes distraction from within towards being fruitful. Hence, while others seeds could not grow, those that fell on good soil produced fruits in many folds. The different soils represent the different dispositions of our hearts. In today’s gospel, Jesus gives another parable about the kingdom of God. This parable draws our attention to those distractions from outside that want to make us fruitless. In this parable, an enemy sowed weeds alongside the good seeds in a man’s field. We know that weeds daunt the growth of pla