The crisis of Faith and the Transfiguration experience (HOMILY FOR THE FEAST OF THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD, YEAR B (AUGUST 06, 2024)


Daniel 7:9-10.13-14; Ps.97; 2Peter 1:16-19; Matthew 17:1b-9

“ _This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him_ ” (Matt.17:5c)

The crisis of Faith and the Transfiguration experience

The transfiguration experience was meant to strengthen the faith of the apostles not just for them to belief in Jesus as the Son of God but to also be able to bring others to accept this truth. So, the transfiguration event was not just a miracle for personal benefit; it was more of a mission – a mission to tell the world that Jesus is the Son of God who alone is worthy of our attention and worship. In the second reading of today, we find the disciples (through Peter) carrying out this mission. He mentioned that the transfiguration experience enables us to shine as light in the dark until the end of time. This means that the transfiguration experience first transfigures those who participate in it so that they are able to transform others. To be transfigured, we must have the capacity to love as we have been loved and to give as we have received.

In the ending part of Matt. chapter 16, Jesus predicted that he will soon die in the hands of mere mortals. This did not go down well with the disciples. Peter tried taking Jesus to aside to make him retract the awful prediction; if for any reason, the prediction could dampen the faith of the disciples who left everything to follow Jesus with the hope that he will establish a new Israel. To die without fulfilling this hope, will make the whole mission of Christ look like a scam. It is true that Jesus had been working miracles; but he has not yet worked the main one. When Jesus rebuked Peter and referred to him as “Satan”, it became clear that he will not take back his prediction. This became a moment of faith crisis for the disciples. Every crisis of faith is borne out of man’s limited understanding of the workings of God. Therefore to settle such crisis, we must come to know God better.

In the gospel reading of today, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John to experience his transfiguration. It is important to note that the Transfiguration happened for the sake of the disciples that they may see and hear for themselves that Jesus is truly the Son of God. Therefore, Jesus’ prediction of his death does not negate his divine nature. At the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah, who though have died, were seen, in a glorious state, talking with Jesus. This means that there is a form of life beyond death; a life that death cannot interrupt; a life more glorious than the present.

When Peter asked that he made three booths so that they all stay there forever, he forgot everything about the earthly life. This indicates that the life beyond death is far better than the life before death. This is a way of saying that of all that we desire in this world (as humans), let us realize that to be saved is the greatest of all achievements. Therefore, those who are connected with Christ possess an antidote to death; they will die but they will live better lives thereafter. If Jesus will die and still be God, then our faith should not fail when we face different ordeals in-spite of our faithfulness to God.

The transfiguration experience was something extraordinary; we can call it a miracle of Divine revelation. Indeed, every miracle we experience today, reveals God to us in an extraordinary way. Unfortunately, many of us are repeating the mistake of Peter of wanting the joys of heaven without first following the due process. Just as Peter wanted to remain in the miracle experience forever, so also many of us want to continue to live our lives depending on miracles. The response Peter got is the response we will continue to get, namely: this is my beloved Son, listen to him. If we want to be with Jesus forever, we must follow due process. An everlasting experience of the transfiguration first demands listening to Jesus and dying. Listening to Jesus takes away the fear of death because we come to hear Jesus tell us that death catapults us to a better live on a permanent basis. Where the challenge lies, is in listening to Jesus.

To listen to Jesus, we must return to the Scriptures – both the Old and the New Testaments. Moses represents the Law; Elijah the Prophets. Together, they make up the Old Testament. Jesus himself is the New Testament. So, we can say that in the transfiguration, the complete bible was present. It is the same God that speaks in the Law, through the Prophets and in Jesus.

There are persons who try their best to obey the commandments, they take seriously the prophecies in the bible but they lack genuine love for others. Such persons take the Law, the Prophets but reject Jesus. Some others are so wonderful in their relationship with others. They are charitable and kind but they do this to cover their lack of regards for the commandments. These ones accept Jesus but reject the Law. Others think that our sins do not offend God nor interfere with our relationship with God. For them, "God is merciful"  means that God loves us even when we are not repenting. Such persons are rejecting the warnings of the prophets that we can only be God’s people when keep his covenant. Beloved, if our listening is not holistic, then we are not listening at all.

However, the different forms of divine interventions (miracles) we experience daily, are figments of transfiguration. Like the disciples, Jesus wants us to take those experiences to heart. A time comes when they will be the source of strength for our faith. So, in your moments of dryness, remember what God has done for you in the past and still believe in him. Never forget the wonders of the Lord. We can learn something from dogs. Dogs become familiar with those who feed them. Once they get familiar with you, they don’t bark at you. Even when you don’t feed them for a while or you travel for some time and return, they will not forget you nor bark at you. You will still remain familiar on account of the established relationship when you were feeding them. If we can relate with God as such, then we are truly faithful and our faith will save us.

Dear friends, go out and meet someone who is passing through a lot today. Remind him or her of what God has done in the past and assure him or her that this God has not changed. If God is delaying, it is for our greater glory. Remember “…those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagle’s wings; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and never grow tired.” (Isaiah 40:31).
Remain blessed 


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