Repentance attracts mercy (Homily for Tuesday of the 17th week in Ordinary time year II July 30 2024

Homily for Tuesday of the 17th week in Ordinary time year II 
July 30 2024

Jeremiah 14:17-22; Psalm 79; Mathew 13:36-43

Repentance attracts mercy

In yesterday's reading, God conveyed to Jeremiah that Israel had become worthless due to her neglect of her "natural habitat." Much like the prodigal son, we often recognize the error of our ways only when we face the severe consequences of our actions. We may persist on a misguided path until we reach its futile end.

In today's first reading, Israel comes to her senses. Her plea for mercy is marked by an acknowledgment of her insignificance, foolishness, wickedness, and the unparalleled supremacy of God. This is a crucial lesson for us.

While it is true that God is merciful and always welcomes back a sinner who returns to their senses, we must not misconstrue this as God condoning our sins. God's patience is an opportunity for repentance, not a license for obstinacy.

The key lies in seeking mercy. True repentance involves admitting one's wrongs and having a genuine desire to amend them. God forgives sins, but only if we repent. Persistent sinfulness cannot access God's mercy, a predicament many find themselves in today. We often speak of God's mercy, rejoice in it, and praise Him for His enduring mercy, yet remain in our sins. This misinterpretation of God's mercy can lead us to believe that we will not be lost even if we continue in sin. Such thinking is self-deceptive.

God's mercy is inherently divine and cannot tolerate sin. Regardless of how far God extends His merciful hands towards us, if we do not resolve to return to Him as the prodigal son did, the fruits of the encounter between the sinner and the Merciful Father may not manifest in us. Beloved, before calling God a merciful Father, ask yourself if you are a repentant child. Without repentance, mercy remains elusive.


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