Homily for Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul (Priest)

Homily for Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time. 
Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul (Priest). 
Ezra 9:5-9. Tobit 13:1b-2,3-4a,6efgh,6ij,8. Luke 9:1-6.

In the first reading, we have the prayer of Ezra. In his prayer, he felt the guilt of the iniquities against God. He did not dissociate himself from the condition of his people. Rather, his prayer is in terms of "our iniquities" and "our guilt" (Ezra 9:6).

Recognition of the past guilt is of no value unless it issues in the determination to return to God like the prodigal son. God is merciful, and this is reflected in Ezra's prayer.

Like Ezra, our prayers should not be self-centred. We should be concerned about others. We ought to intercede for others.

Jesus, in today's Gospel, sent his Apostles on a mission to preach the kingdom of God and to heal, saying, "Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics" (Luke 9:3). The preacher of the Gospel should learn to travel light, trusting in God's providence always. The good Lord who sent on a mission will always provide for the missionary. In this regard, he is obliged to renounce all that is unnecessary. He should labour for the salvation and love of souls, not love for material things.

Pope St. Paul VI writes in Evangelii Nuntiandi that the Church exists to evangelise. As a result of the urgency of salvation, we must move out of our comfort zone, for souls are perishing spiritually and physically. We can't be unconcerned. This urgency is the reason why we ought not to take with us extra materials.

This is why, after each celebration of the Holy Mass, we are sent on a mission with the words, "Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord," or "Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life." The graces we receive at the Holy Mass will empower us to carry out the mission entrusted to us.

We celebrate the memorial of St. Vincent de Paul today. He was born in France in 1581, and Iived his priestly life at the service of the poor and the formation of the clergy. He founded the Vincentians for the purpose of the spiritual formation of the clergy and to assist the poor. He also founded the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity. He was called "the saint of charity" on account of his passion and dedication to the poor, whom he served wholeheartedly. His work of charity extends to all classes of persons, from forsaken childhood to old age. In the midst of the most distracting occupations, his soul was always intimately united with God.

Despite the honour he received from great people, he remained deeply rooted in humility. He died on the 27th of September, 1660. He was canonised in 1737 by Pope Clement XII.

May God, through the intercession of St. Vincent de Paul, grant us a generous heart to give without counting the cost through Christ our Lord. Amen


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