Rev.11:19a; 12:1-6a.10ab; Ps.45; 1Cor.15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56

“ _Henceforth all generations will call be blessed_ ” (Lk.1:48b)


The Assumption of Mary is one of the dogmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Being a dogma, it appeals to our sense of reasoning but more importantly, it commands our faith. We agree and belief that Mary has assumed into heaven not just because is it reasonable but also because the God to whom nothing is impossible or difficult, has revealed and made it so.

The Assumption of Mary, although not explicitly stated in the pages of the Scripture, sheds light on the truth of the scripture. If there is truth in the Scripture, then the Assumption is not unthinkable. In the second reading of today, St. Paul tells us that as all men died in Adam, so also have all men being resurrected in Christ Jesus. Jesus himself said, I am the resurrection and the life, anyone who believes in me, though he dies, shall live forever and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die (cf. John 11:25-26). The integrity of a man is not measured by just what he says but by his ability to do as he has said. If heaven does not exist, and if it is not possible for us to belong there, then the words of Jesus will bear no meaning and his incarnation will be of no essence.

Mary’s assumption into heaven speaks of the truth that those who die in Christ will experience His resurrection. The assumption of Mary is her experience of Christ resurrection. However, Mary had to give her co-operation for the truth of the gospel to be realized in her life. The one to whom the angel said “Hail” and announced that she has found favour with God, strove all through her life to preserve that favour she found with God. Mary is assumed into heaven not just because she bore the Son of God but because she persevered in holiness. It is her holiness that is rewarded by the glorious assumption.

The dogma of Mary’s assumption states that after her the completion of her earthly life, she was taken up to heaven body and soul. This is something only God can do. My dear friends, in our daily struggle against sin wherein the devil continually promises us certain pleasures if we do as he wills, we must continue to overcome sin with the truth that what God can do is that which no other is able to do for us. We must bear in mind that each time we sin, we become another “Esau” who sells his birthright for a porridge. Birthright does not exist outside of one’s home and one’s Father.

Just as Mary was never pre-informed that she will be the Mother of God, so also she was never told that if she perseveres in holiness, she will be assumed into heaven. Every temptation to sin tells that the struggle to remain holy is not worth it. It blocks our foresight in perceiving with our eyes of faith what only God can do for us if we remain faithful to him. Beloved in Christ, our God is a God of surprises. The surprises of God is not conceivable by the feeble mind of man, but it comes to us when we persevere to the end.

Again, we see that Mary’s assumption took place after the completion of her earthly life. There are so many things we ask of God in this life. Sometimes we may be depressed if expected answers are not coming to the questions we ask in prayers. We have also often times heard some people evaluating the presence of God in the life of man on the basis of the comfort the man has gotten in his life. Beloved, while it is true that God answers prayers, it is very necessary for us to note that what is most important is what becomes of us after our earthly existence.

We live in a world where there is so much effort to avoid poverty. People do all sought of things to make money. They say that Money is good. However true this statement is, let us be aware that if after making all the money we can, but we lose our souls, we are the worse losers. The best paradigm for evaluating life is not worldly comfort but heavenly glory. If you can make heaven, then you are the best.

In the gospel reading, Mary hastened to the house of Zechariah when she heard that Elizabeth is with child. Her purpose for visiting Elizabeth was to share in her joy. This joy was unique because it was a joy of what only God could do. The situations surrounding Elizabeth’s conception proves that the conception was far beyond a biological process. So, Mary hastened to celebrate the Grace of God in life of Elizabeth and Zachariah. My dear friends, from this we learn to be mindful of what we celebrate. Whatever you celebrate is what you cherish and what you cherish is what we you wish for yourself. Most times, these wishes are realized in one way or the other.

Like Mary, let us learn to celebrate the Grace of God. Let us learn to celebrate holiness. Let us stop making others feel comfortable, special and loved because of their money when we know that the source of their wealth is not genuine. Let us stop shedding those who perpetuate evil just because of the relationship we share with them or the favour we derive from them. Let us stop justifying our wrong deeds when we are corrected or worse still attacking the one who corrects us. You cannot celebrate sin here on earth and expect to be in heaven. Let us Celebrate Holiness for that is crucial to our belongingness to heaven.


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