Theme: Faith in Christ, the Rock On Which the Church is Founded.-HOMILY FOR THE 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 27th August 2023

Theme: Faith in Christ, the Rock On Which the Church is Founded.-HOMILY FOR THE 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 27th August 2023

Isaiah 2219-23. Psalm 138:1-2a,2bcd-3,6,8bc. Romans 11:33-36. Matthew 16:13-20.

In the first reading, a reference is made to "key of the house of David" (Isa.22:22) foretelling the removal of power of the leaders of the people of Israel of the Old Testament, and the transfer of that power to Christ, who in turn handed it to Peter as the head of the Church founded by Christ. The mention of the key of authority seems to be the reason why this reading was chosen today, where today's Gospel describes the giving of the key to Peter.

Prophet Isaiah tells Shebna, who was removed from his position of controlling access both to the city and to the king, because he was abusing his power by urging King Hezekiah to revolt against Assyra and call Egypt to his aid. For this, Shebna will be deposed, and, in his place, a true steward will be appointed by Yahweh.

In today's Gospel, Jesus asked his disciples the question concerning his identity. First, He asked them, "Who do people say that the Son of man is?" (Matt.16:13). Some said He was John the Baptist. Some said He was Elijah, and some said He was Jeremiah or one of the prophets. These answers were all opinions and speculations, not perfect or correct ideas about Jesus. Jesus then turned to his Apostles and demanded from them, "But who did you say I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matt.16:15-16). Nobody had ever said this about Jesus before. Even Simon Peter did not know what he was talking about, going by the comment of Jesus, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona! For fresh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven" (Matt.16:17). This is to say that it was God who put what Peter said into his mouth. It did not come from Peter himself.

This was all that Jesus needed to change Simon from just being one of the twelve apostles to the rock among them. The change is first evident in the new name that Jesus gave Simon, which is Peter, meaning, literally, "rock." Jesus had a particular weighty assignment for this rock. We see this reflected in Old Testament when God changed the name of Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel. God did this for a particular purpose in their lives. Jesus made this purpose known when He said further on today's Gospel, "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound on heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matt.16:18-19).  

That was how Simon Peter came to be the leader of the twelve Apostles, and after ascension of Jesus, leader of the entire Christian community, the Church. Jesus would confirm that leadership after his resurrection with a threefold charge: "Feed my lambs," "Tend my sheep," "Feed my sheep" (John 21:15-18). To have the key to a place designates a special kind of power. If you have bought a house or leased a car or rented an apartment, the moment you are handed the keys, you have authority. Peter opens the church for you. He defines the doctrines together with the College of Bishops.

St. Paul, in the second reading, reminds us of the mystery of God, unsearchable and inscrutable" (cf.Rom.11:33), at the centre of Jesus' action, and Peter's position. Nobody can understand how God does his own things.

Peter's leadership of the Church was not restricted to Peter alone but passed on to his successors with the title of Bishop of Rome, where Peter made his permanent abode, and where, in about 64 A.D., he suffered martyrdom under Emperor Nero. The current Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, is thus the 265th successor of St. Peter as the Bishop of Rome and leader of the Universal Church (the Catholic Church). He is, therefore, Peter among us today, the Rock On Which Jesus continues to build his Church to this day. We must always pray for the Pope. Hence, the Catholic Church makes it a point of duty that the Pope is prayed for at every Mass celebrated daily all over the world.

For us, the big question now is who Jesus is for you and me? True knowledge of Jesus does not come from textbooks, not from another person, but from our personal encounter with Him. The question of Jesus in today's Gospel is still relevant for us today. It is in our ability to answer this question correctly that we become true Christians.

May God grant us the grace that through our encounter with Him, we may truly discover Him in truth and in spirit through Christ our Lord. Amen. 


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