Homily for Saturday of the 4th week in Ordinary time

Homily for Saturday of the 4th week in Ordinary time

Hebrew 13:15-17, 20-21; Mark 6:30-34

The importance of Rest

The first reading from the letter to the Hebrews speaks to us on the need for our lives to be a sign of thanksgiving to God. It says: "Through Christ, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name. Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God" (Heb 13:15-17).

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, in the Holy Eucharist is a scarament of thanksgiving. In it we offer God a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. We confess Jesus as the Chief Priest, the Victim and the Altar of Sacrifice. However, the Holy Mass invites us to become Eucharitic person as well. Bread broken for other. 

Hence, in the spirit of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, God requires we offer him not just the fruit of our lips but the fruit of our lives as well. This should be exemplified in our charity to our neighbours. Thanksgiving is good but thanks-living is better. 

The Gospel of today tells us about the essentiality of rest in our lives as Christians.  It says that after the apostles had accomplished the mission Jesus entrusted to them, "they gather around Jesus,  and told him what they had done and taught. Jesus responded, Come away to a deserted place by your selves and rest a while. For many were coming and going and they had no leisure even to rest" (Mk 6:30-31).
Friends in Christ, it is commonly said that all work and no rest makes Jack a dull boy. No man can work without rest. Rest is significant in our lives as Christians. We can not work for God efficiently if we do not give time to rest in prayer and recollection. Rest helps us to recharge our soul and spiritual energy from time to time. Rest is also a time of prayer and rejuvenation. This dovetails into the importance of the Holy day of Obligation as an essential day of rest in prayer and worship of God.

Child of God, Do you find time to rest both physically and spiritually? The body and the soul deserves rest from time to time. How faithful and sensitive are you to the essentiality of rest in your life? 

Friends in Christ, although this was the intention of Jesus for his disciples. Obviously,  they couldn't get the rest because across the shore they saw a crowd who were like sheep without shephered (Mk 632-34). We are told, Jesus had compassion on them and began to teach them.

Dearest brothers and sister in Christ, the compassionate heart of Jesus is all embracing. He did not  drive the people away but rather felt pity for them and attended to them. In the same vein, we must learn even in our personal schedules to accommodate those who are in dare need of our help. Life can be saved at all times.

May God bless his words in our heart both now and forevermore.  Amen

Fr Remi osj


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