HOMILY FOR MONDAY OF THE 6TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 13th February 2023 (Cain kills Abel

Homily for Monday of the 6th week in ordinary time 13th February 2023

Genesis 4:1-15, 25; Mark 8: 11-13

*Cain kills Abel 

* No sign shall be given to this generation

The first reading tells us of how anger and jealousy in Cain brought about the murder of his younger brother Abel, both of whom were sons of Adam and Eve. 

We are told Cain, a farmer, "brought to the Lord and offering of the fruits of the ground" whereas Abel, a shepherd, brought the firstlings of his flock, their fat portions... The Lord accepted the offerings of Abel, but for Cain and his offerings, the Lord had no regard... So Cain was angry" (Gen 4:3-5).

The question is why did God not accept the offerings of Cain? Abel offered to God with faith a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain's. Abel approached God in humility and a righteous heart, trusting in God's gracious goodness to make man's unworthy offering acceptable to him. However,  Cain was proud, unrighteous, and faithless before God. 

Cain invited his brother to the field where he murdered his brother (Gen 4:8). Friends in Christ, revolt against God as observed in the Garden brings about the revolt against one's brother. Opposition against God is opposition against man. No one has the right to take another person's life. 

When God enquired of Abel from Cain. He responded:" I do not know; am I my brother's keeper? " (Gen 4:9). Beloved in Christ, we all come from one source, origin, and one creator; we form one Mystical Body of Christ. We are responsible for one another. We are each other's keeper. Jesus in giving us the new commandment said:" Love one another as I have loved you" ( Jn 13:34).

The blood of Abel cried out from the ground to God (Gen 4:10-11). This brought about the punishment of Cain: difficulty tilling the ground and becoming a fugitive. For every sin there is a punishment. 

Friends in Christ, the blood of Abel cried out for vengeance to God, however, another blood cries more eloquently for mercy than that of Abel, and that's the blood of Christ Jesus (Heb 12:24). Hence, the situation created by the murder of Abel is reversed in Jesus Christ. 

In the Gospel reading, the Pharisees argued with Jesus, asking him for a sign from heaven, to test him" (Mk 8:11). Jesus responded by saying: why does this generation ask for a sign?... No sign will be given to this generation" (Mk 8:12-13).

Obviously,  the Pharisees were not satisfied nor convinced by the miracles performed by Jesus. Jesus cleansed the leper, gave sight to the blind, fed the hungry, made the lame walk, gave hearing to the deaf, and even raised the dead, etc. But none of these satisfied them. Probably they wanted miracles like calling down fire and brimstones from heaven, making still the moon and sun, etc.  

Man wants to dictate to God the lines along which he is to proceed. This invariably amounts to tempting God. Such temptation is an insolent request addressed to God. It can also be seen as a doubt regarding the divine authorities. Asking for this kind of sign means disbelief. Signaling that the miracles already performed by Jesus were insufficient credentials. 

This was why Jesus sighed, questioning why this generation ask for a sign. Jesus gave a judgment already by not giving a sign, for the Pharisees came not to be enlightened but to test Jesus, to lay a trap for Jesus. 

Beloved in Christ, let us never put the Lord God to the test. Rather let us always say:" Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Mtt 6:10). 

May God bless his words in our hearts both now and forever more.  Amen 

FR Remi Osj


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