HOMILY FOR TUESDAY OF THE 5TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME/Obedience to God's commandments more important than human religious tradition

Homily for Tuesday of the 5th week in ordinary time

Genesis 1:20-31, 2: 1-4; Mark 7:1-13

*Man created in God's image and likeness
* Obedience to God's commandment, more important than tradition of the elders or human religious tradition

The first reading of today's liturgy begins by giving us the first account of the creation of Man. It says: " God said, Let us make man in our own image and likeness...make and female he created them" (Gen 1:26-27).

The first point to note here is that Man and woman created in God's image and likeness are both human persons with equal dignity. Man is the "Imago Dei".

Image and likeness are made so that one can see in them a reflection of oneself. A person admiring his own self in the mirror. Hence, man's intellect, will and authority are to be evaluated in relations to God. 

Man is the presence of God on earth, the representative of God on earth, the mouth piece of the glory of God, to make God known and loved in the world. Man has an eternal destiny in God because of his immortal soul. He is so important to God that when he sinned, God did not abandon him, but sent his Son to suffer, die and redeem man.

The Church has confidence in the human person because in the human person is a fundamental goodness (Gen 1:31); because of the redeeming influence of Jesus Christ who United himself in a certain way to humanity; and because of the efficacious activity of the Holy Spirit who filled the whole world (Wis 1:7)

Brothers and sisters in Christ, dishonouring the statue or picture is tantamount to dishonouring the person whom they represent. Offence against the dignity of man is offence against God. Any violation of the fundamental rights of man is a violation to God.  Accordingly, honouring man is honouring God. Doing good to man is doing to good to God himself. 

Friends in Christ, the human person is called not only to possess these inalienable rights but to live in relationship to other human beings within the one human family. 

The Gospel speaks to us of the tradition of the elders, which we must be wary of at all times.

Jesus defended his disciples by declaring to the Pharisees that what is more important than human religious tradition is God's commandments, not man made commandments and ritual.

Outer cleansing is good and necessary, but above all, the washing that is really needed is inner cleansing. Our time is full of such superficial sentimentality, devoid of inner proper cleansing. We need mental renewal and change in order to lead a life that is productive and not obstructive.

May God grant us the grace to always keep His commandments and do His will through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Remain blessed in Christ
Fr Remi Osj 


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