Homily for the 5th of January

1 John 3:11-21; John 1:43-51

In the first reading of today, St. John reiterates the act of love as the pre-eminent Christian virtue. He writes: "For this is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another" (1 John 3:11).

Come to think of it, the greatest act of love is not a kiss or embrace. After all, Judas betrayed the Lord with a kiss (Mt 26:49). But the cross is the greatest act of love. St. John tells us: "Let us love not in word or speech , but in truth and action" (1 John 3:18). 

Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, fine words will never take the place of fine deeds. Our love for one another must be shown in deeds and at the expense of self-denial and self-sacrifice. Remember,  action speaks louder than voice. Love is not mere talk and protestation, it is not mere sentiments. It must be evident in good deeds. We must imitate the love of Christ: "He laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for one another (1 John 3:16).
The Gospel reading tells us alittle more about the call of the disciples. John the Baptist introduced Andrew and Simon to Jesus (John 1:42).  Jesus directly called Philip. He called Philip and said to him "Follow me" (JN 1:43). Philip found Nathaniel who is most probably Bartholomew (John 1:45-46). Nathaniel questioned: Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Philip said to him, 'Come and see'.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, vocation can come through different ways. Most a times we are called through the influence of a priest, religious, sister, brother etc. The light they radiated inspired us to seek for Jesus more intimately. They fulfil the purpose of a lighted candle serving to light another for illumination. Just like Philip shared the glad tidings with Nathaniel, so also Jesus needs us as instruments to find vocations. 

The doubt of Nathaniel did not dissuade philip, rather Philip challenged him to a personal experience and not argument. Dear child of God, Christianity is sharing of experience. It is the sharing of our faith experience. True faith is not a matter of mere words but an experience. 

Is your life as a Christian, a testimony of the works of Jesus in your life? Has Jesus really changed you?

We pray this day that as Nathaniel surrendered himself to Christ, we may as well readily submit ourselves completely to Christ, our Lord and Saviour. 

God bless us all
Fr Remi Osj 


  1. Jesus has really changed my life.His unfathomable love for me shows me that Love is the greatest. I love my neighbour as I loved myself.
    Remain blessed padre.


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