You are the light of the world/HOMILY FOR THE 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


Isaiah 9:1-4; 1Cor.1:10-13.17; Matt.4:12-23

Theme: You are the light of the World

In John 8:12, Jesus described himself as the light of the world. The liturgy of today dwells on this description of Jesus as the light of the world. Before the coming of Jesus, was the light in darkness? If yes, what kind of darkness enveloped the world and man? Obviously, we are not taking about physical darkness, neither are we referring to darkness ensuing from physical blindness. Thus, understanding the answers to these and similar questions will enable us to see if we are in darkness today or not. The gospel reading records that at the advent of Jesus’ public ministry, light was said to have come. Interestingly, Isaiah had prophesied long before then, as contained in the first reading, that light will come upon those to whom Jesus will minister.

The thrust of Jesus’ ministry was and remains to take men away from darkness into light. It is true that light was the first thing that God created. Without this light, any other created thing would not have been perceptible and appreciable. This shows the primacy of light. Similarly, Christian living is not possible if the Christian is not first of all, in the light. So Jesus says: whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (Jn.8:12). In Matthew 5:14, Jesus says: you are the light of the world. Therefore, it is with the light that we can identify a true Christian. Consequently, the gospel reading of today through direct and symbolic manners, teach us how we must shine on as lights of the world.

First, Jesus’ pubic ministry started after the arrest of John the Baptism. John was not the light himself, but he represented the light very well. He invited people to move away from the darkness of sin to the light of righteousness. He spoke truth to power. His arrest was an attempt to dim or put off the light he so well represented. This continues to be the experience of every true light. You will meet will fierce opposition, doing all that is possible, to put off the light you bear. That Jesus’ ministry started after John was arrested shows that no one can put off the light of the world. Never you be afraid or intimidated; the mission of lightening the world is greater than any individual. No matter how much darkness tries, the light will shine on. If we on our part refuse to stop being light, the light will shine on. Therefore, the light of Christ is not dependent on us; are only privileged to participate in it.

The message with which Jesus shone as the light of the world is: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This is worth noting! There can be no shining with repentance. Just as an electric bulb cannot shine unless it is connected to a source of power supply, so also we cannot shine in the world unless we are connected to the true light himself through repentance. It is through repentance that we submit to the Lord, asking him to do with us whatever He wills. It is sad to fine people who want to practice an irresponsible Christianity. They want to be great and do great things, they desire God’s miraculous acts in their lives, but they do not want to mend their relationship with God. No one can shine for the Lord without being for the Lord. So, the key that unlocks all the prayers you have made for a fruitful 2023 is reconciliation with God.

As Jesus went about preaching, he saw two fishermen Peter and Andrew at their business site: fishing. Jesus called them. The response to this call necessitated that they leave their fishing occupation and join Jesus in His ministry. Though Jesus was calling them into discipleship, this was an unusual patter. Usually, it is a disciple that chooses whom he wants to serve/follow as his master. A regular disciple chooses a kind of master he wants to be like economically. In the case of Jesus, he calls us not to teach us how to fend for ourselves but how to feed others. It is in feeding others through the tenets of Jesus’ ministry, that we shine as light to the world.

Responding to Jesus’ call must imply movement; movement from selfishness to selflessness, from sinful habits to works of righteousness. Until we are ready to accommodate this movement, we may just be caricature disciples. The beauty of life is not felt on account of what we do for ourselves but on the joys and smiles we put in the faces of others. When Jesus called James and John, not only did they leave their fishing occupation to follow Jesus, they also left their father Zebedee. This symbolically means that no matter how close we have clung to whatever separates us from the Lord, we must take the bold step to cut off. We must understand that following Jesus is most fulfilling than following our sinful inclinations and passions. Only Jesus calls to follow him without regarding us as slaves; He calls us friends. Anything and anyone else we follow, reduces us to slaves. He who calls you a friend, loves you; he who calls you a slave, uses you.

Today, the body of Christ must shine as light of the world first through unity. If Christians are divided, they preach the message of darkness. Unity is the first sign of authentic Christianity. It is the litmus test for a true Christian vocation. One cause for division, as illustrated by Paul in the second reading, is godfatherism – a struggle/feeling for supremacy based on a high personality one has attached himself/herself to. This means that the force that propels the individual is no longer Christ but a human being. Irrespective of whatever height such a person attains, he/she is not bearing/reflecting the light of Christ. Beloved, like the psalmist, ensure that the Lord is your light and your salvation. 

God Bless You!


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