Homily for Tuesday of the 4th week of Advent 

Isaiah 7, 10-14; Luke 1:26-38

King Ahaz reigned over Jerusalem. He was a bad king and unfaithful to God. When the kingdoms of Syria and the kingdom of Israel respectively besieged Jerusalem, the Lord gave him into the hands of the king of Syria, who defeated them and tookany as captives ( 2kings 16:2; 2chron 28:5). 

We are told that in the state of pepexity Ahaz tolurned to Assyria for alliance rather than put his trust and fidelity in God. Prophet Iasiah, persuaded him to try the Lord God for with him abides their salvation but Ahaz refused. For the Lord God would give a sign of his fidelity if he asked for it (Isaiah 7:10). But Ahaz retorted, "I will not ask, I will not put the Lord to the test" (Isaiah 7:12). 

This may seemingly appear to be a pious response but in truth it was an absolute rejectionbof divine intervention. He did not submit to God's plan but placed his trust in Assyria.

Isaiah told him, the Lord God will give a sign: "Look, the a virgin is with Child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14).

This prophecy in the old testament regards the Messiah and it had its fulfillment in the person of our Lord Jesus. St. Mathew in his writing said: "All this took place to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the Prophets" (Mt 1:22-23).

Dearest friends in Christ, how submissive are you to the plans and purposes of God? In wh do we place our trust, hope and fidelity: in God or in man?

In the Gospel reading we have the narrative of the annunciation, of how angel Gabriel was sent by God to a virgin engaged to a man named Joseph (Lk 1:26-27). 

One thing is obvious about this narrative, firstly, the message of the angel did not meet Mary u prepared, rather Mary was watching and waiting, recollected in profound silence. This speaks to us of our mood for the Advent season. Her utmost desire was God's glory and human salvation. In her simple and uncomplicated soul, she gave her response: " I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word" (LK 1:38). She did not remosntrate but consented to the plan God had for her and for all eternity. As a handmaiden, she submitted herself to be prepared by the Holy Spirit. Her consent to mother is above all else a result of her self-giving to God in virginity. Till the very end, she lived her entire maternal sharing in the life of Jesus Christ, her son, in a way that matched her vocation to virginity. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, unlike Ahaz, let us imitate Mary in her consent and total self-giving to God. Let us make the project of God our own project, knowing very well the plans he has for us are for our welfare and not for calamity. 

May God bless his word in our hearts both now and forever more. Amen

Have a blessed day!

Fr. Remi Osj


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