Homily for Wednesday of the 33rd week in ordinary time, year II

Revelation 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28

In the first reading we have a comprehensive analysis of John's vision of God's throne. It reads: "Around the throne, on each side of the throne are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with the face like a  human face, and the fourth living creature like flying eagle" (Rev 4:6-7). 

For St. Irenaeus, the four creature are representations of the four evangelists. Mathew represented by lion where Jesus is shown as the Lion of Judah. Mark is represented by the creature with human face, because his Gospel is the nearest report to the human life of Jesus. Luke is represented by the Ox because it shows Jesus as the sacrifice for humanity. John is represented by Eagle because eagle is said to be the creature that flies highest, and the Gospel of John reaches the highest heights of thought.

Furthermore, the creatures expresses the needful virtue for the service of God. In lion we find the courage and strength to serve God. In the Ox, we find the patients and perseverance in the service of God. In the human face, we draw the intelligence and sympathy of man. In the eagle, we relentlessly strive with pure aspiration to heavenly objectives. 

The six wings of the living creatures plus their eyes all round, also reminds us of the incessant activity of ours in the service of God, and the continual careful vigilance we maintain in divine service. 

In the Gospel reading of today we have the parable of the ten pounds. A narrative of a noble man who traveling to get royal power for himself gave ten pounds to his ten slaves, saying to them, 'Do business with these until I come back' (Lk 19:12-13). In the narrative, the noble man represents Jesus Christ whom at the conclusion of his suffering and death, God raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand of God, far above authority and power and Dominik, and above every name, not only in this age but in the age to come. Put all things under his feet and made him the head of the church (Ephesians 1:20-22).

The pounds stands for God's giving opportunities to humanity. Be it mental, physical, spiritual capacities or otherwise. We have to trade with it, employ it for the dividend of our brothers and sisters. We must conduct ourselves through our word and example so as to strengthen others in their faith. We must under the influence of the Gospel permeate and grow every sphere of life. So that at the second coming of Christ Jesus , the Master, we may give him an account of our administration of the pounds given to us. 

Beloved in Christ, are we going to give a profitable account or probably be like than who never deployed his pounds for trade? The man who never traded his pounds has no sense of responsibility. He withholds his God's given talents and opportunities. He let his life to on without making it of service and a blessing for his brothers and sisters. He let his powered and opportunities rust in mere misuse. He will be pronounced guilty. 

As for those who said, "We do not want this man to rule over us" (Lk 19:14). The Lord responded, "But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to be king over them. Bring them here and slaughter them in my presence" (Lk 19:27). 

Dearest brothers and sister in Christ, hostility and rebellion against Christ, if it continues will surely end in disaster. Rebellious spirit which refuses God's loving and righteous reign will end in catastrophe. Let us in humility, submit ourselves to the reign of God that he may lead guide and provide for us. 

Have a beautiful day

Fr Remi Osj


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