Homily for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time, year II (St. Charles Borromeo)
Philippians 3:17-21; 4:1; Lk.16:1-8

In the first reading of today, St. Paul writes: "Brothers and sisters, join in imitating me" (Phil 3:17). This is a strong acknowledgment from St. Paul that exemplary life matters.  For Christianity is not a religion of ethical codes, precepts and maxims but a religion manifest in one's practical life. It a religion that speaks primarily of the life of Christ Jesus and secondarily of the lives of the followers of Christ. Beloved in Christ, following the position of St. Paul, it is pertinent to note that the preacher's words are immaterial if they are not enforced and illustrated by his life. 
Friends in Christ, can you confidently say that your way of life as at now is a genuine Gospel for others to follow. Does your way of life lead others to glorify God?

St. Paul reminds us that as Christians "Our citizenship is in heaven" (Phil 3:20). Hence, we must not be like many who live as enemies of the cross of Christ...whose minds are set on earthly things" (Phil 3:18-19). Friends in Christ, as strangers and foreigners on the earth, we should occupy our minds with the thoughts of heaven and be governed by the laws of our home, heaven: the law of love of God and of neighbour. Let us hatkent to the admonition of St. Paul: "Stand firm in the Lord in this way" (Phil 4:1). Let us be courageous,  perseverance and steadfast in following the path of the Lord.
The Gospel reading which presents to us the parable of the crafty steward. A narrative of a steward who was placed in charge of the rich man's properties but was wasteful. Hearing, this the rich man called him to render account of his stewardship. He tells him: "Give me an account of your stewardship" (Lk 6:2).

Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, the parable presents to us an unavoidable truth: at the end of our life God will ask us to give an account of our life, the talents we have received, the opportunities we had, the time God gave to us. Beloved in Christ, how ready are you to render account of your stewardship to God?

Let us be reminded that the talents and skills we had received must be used for the glory of God. Christ must be reflected in our day-to-day way of life. Every skill of ours must be geared towards to realization of God's objectives. Infact, it is good to note that a lazy Christian who wanders through life aimlessly is no Christian at all. Everyone has been blessed by God in one way or the other.

The readings sincerely invite us to reflect on our priorities in life, “For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than the children of light” (Luke 16:8)

This line comes at the conclusion of the parable of the dishonest steward. Jesus told this parable highlighting the fact that the “children of the world” are indeed successful in their manipulation of worldly things, whereas the “children of light” are not as shrewd when it comes to worldly things. This certainly does not tell us that we should enter into a worldly life striving to live by worldly standards and working toward worldly goals.

However, Jesus is presenting us with a strong contrast as to how we should think and act. We are called to be the children of light. Therefore, we should not be surprised at all if we are not as successful in worldly things as others are who are immersed in the secular culture. Some are successful in obtaining great wealth, power or prestige by being shrewd in things of this age.  But those who are filled with virtue, humility, and goodness often go unnoticed. 

Therefore, this parable should remind us that all that matters, in the end, is what God thinks. As children of the light, we must work only for that which is eternal, not for that which is worldly and passing. God will provide for our worldly needs if we put our trust in him. 

May God help us to keep our eyes on heaven to see what is of true value and stay focused on that alone through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Have a wonderful day
Fr Remi osj


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