FAITHFULNESS AND STEADFASTNESS IN GOD (Homily for Wednesday of the 26th week in the ordinary time, year II SEPT 2023

Homily for Wednesday of the 26th week in the ordinary time, year II

Job 9:1-2,14-16; Lk 9:57-62

The Devil promised himself that in the day of affliction and agony, Job would revile God and utter ill of him. Instead, Job acknowledged the wisdom and greatness of God before his friends. Though much were the miseries and agonies Job underwent yet in his state of misfortune he showered praises on the power and presence of God in the universe. 

Job declared before his friends: "God does great things beyond understanding, and marvellous things without number" (Job 9:10). "He is wise in heart and mighty in strength" (Job 9:4). He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent to all there is in the world. Job raised questions in confirmation of God's power. He contended: "God snatches away; who can stop? Who will say to him, what are you doing?" (Job:12). Who has resisted him, and succeeded?" (Job 9:4). Going forward, Job submits the honest truth: "How can a mortal be just before God?" (Job 9:2). No one can be just before God, except the one whom God makes just and righteous. Hence, "though I am innocent", he acclaimed, "I cannot answer him; I must appeal for mercy" (Job 9:15). Before his friend's Job concluded that he reclined to God's mercy for salvation, restoration and redemption.

Friends in Christ, in whatever situation we find ourselves, let us submit entirely to the mercy and forgiveness of God. It is in the mercy of God that we can find justice, holiness and salvation. Let the difficulties of life not weaken our faith and steadfastness in God. May we be reassured of God's presence and his mindfulness of every state of our lives, knowing very well that at the appointed time God will restore all things.

The Gospel reading speaks of the responses offered by those to whom Jesus gave the invitation of followership.

The first said to Jesus, "let me first go and bury my father", and Jesus responded "Let the dead bury their dead, but as for you go and proclaim the kingdom of God (Lk 9:59-60).

Here Jesus warns us against whatsoever may create a delay in the preaching of the Gospel. Because the man who requested to bury his father does not yet know when his father may die before he would consider a priority the preaching of the Gospel. 

Friends in Christ, certain things must not be postponed in life and the preaching of the Gospel and its value is number on the list. Whenever we feel the divine impulse and inspiration towards the project of God, we must not delay them, we must not put them off but rather commit ourselves to it through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and reputable authorities of the church. 

Another said to Jesus, " I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home". Jesus responded to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God" (Lk 9:61-62).

Brothers and sisters in Christ, one who ploughs on the farm must make sure the furrows are straight, hence, the concentration on looking forward. So also we must concentrate our attention on the following of Christ and the preaching of his Gospel.

We pray that we may not be overcome by the spirit of lukewarmness, nonchalant attitude and distraction of purpose as we set our hearts fixed on the things of God. 

May God bless his words in our hearts both now and forever more. Amen


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