Born in the year 349 in Antioch of Syria. After Baptism at the age of 20,  he devoted himself to the study of the sacred scripture and the service of the church. Submitting himself for eleven years to the life of contemplation and asceticism,  he became a deacon and then later a priest. He was called in the year 397 to become the Patriarch of Constantinopole. He became one of the famous bishops of the first century. However, he only exercised his episcopal responsibility freely for six years. Twice he was deposed and driven into exile by Empress Eudoxia. He died on 14 September 407 and is considered a Martyr of pastoral courage. 

Saint John fondly called "Chrysostom" which means "golden mouth", was popularly praised for his eloquence, clarity and firmness in preaching the word of God in a convincing manner. The word of God became a means by which St. John Chrysostom educated and enlightened the people of God. John's strenght many would say came from the word of God. Hence, he had no fear of defamation, and of persecution.

St. John Chrysostom laid significant emphasis of on the essentialities of Christian Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the church. His teachings further deepened the understanding of the priesthood and the dignity of human labour. He never relented in the proclamation of justice for the liberation of God's people.

Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, the celebration of the feast of St. John Chrysostom rewakens in us priests the place of the word of God in the Christian community  and the importance of preparing adequately the word of God (homily) for the education and strengthening of the faith of God's people. It must be simple, clear and convincing. The word of God must become for us and for the Christian community the source of strenght and vigour through which the values of the kingdom of God is upheld and practiced; values of Justice and truth,  peace and reconciliation etc. In a homily delivered before his departure into exile, he said: "Am I relying on my own strenght? I possess his word; that is my support, my security and my harbour of peace". 

In the celebration of the Eucharist, we can regularly derive the strenght to walk the pathway of the cross amidst tribulations and persecutions. Let the Eucharist remain the center of our unity and communion with God and with one another. Let is be our source of Charity to one another. St John Chrysostom once said about Charity to Christians: "You wish to honour the body of Christ? Do not hold it in contempt  when it is naked. Do not honour it here, in the church, by wearing silken robes while you allow it to remain outside suffering from the cold and lack of clothes...God needs no chalices of gold,  but golden souls...Begin by feeding the hungry, and with what is left, you may decorate the altar". 

We pray through the intercession of St. John Chrysostom,  may the faith of Christians continue to grow in the knowledge of the Gospel and  fidelity to the works of Charity. May God bless his words inbour hearts, both now and forever more. Amen

Have a blessed day!

Fr Remi osj


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