The indispensability of the Holy Spirit in the church Homily for Monday in the 4th week of Easter 9th of May, 2022)


The acts of the apostles 11:1-18 while exposing the problems that plagued the early Christian community such as circumcision, unclean food, the distinction between Jews and Gentiles, between Gentile Christians and Jewish Christians, designated with significance the indispensability of the Holy Spirit in the revelations of the truth of God to the church. We are told that many in the church in Jerusalem rigorously criticized Peter for what had happened in the house of Cornelius saying, “ why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?” (Act 11:2-3). 

In response, Peter did not argue with them. He only showed facts, the facts of his vision of unclean animals and the Lord asking him to kill and eat them (cf Acts 11:7), and the angel appearing to the man (cf Acts 11:13), and the Holy Spirit coming down on cornelius and all his household (cf. Acts 11:15). Peter through the intervention of the Holy Spirit realized that their mission of preaching the good news was not limited to the children of Israel. He came to a profound understanding of the truth of the universality of the church, the universality of God's love, and the boundless mission of the good news of the kingdom of God (salvation and eternal life) for all humanity. 

Through the Person of the Holy Spirit, the Lord brought to the memory of Peter what he heard from Jesus, he said, “ and I remember the words of the Lord, how he said, John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 11:16). Again, the Lord Jesus told them in Jn 16:13-14 that “ when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears and will declare to you the things that are to come”. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, if Peter was not illuminated by the Holy Spirit, left to him alone as moulded in Jewish thinking, he would not have made those significant decisions, he would not have come to the awareness of the truth, he would have still like other Jews felt that Christianity was simply an improved form of Judaism. Thus, for any Gentile to become Christian, he/she must first accept the Jewish ways; and the problems of circumcision, unclean food and distinction between the Jews and Gentiles would have persisted; and the church would not have grown outside of the Jewish territory. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, the indispensability of the Holy Spirit in the church and in the life of every Christian cannot be quantified. The Holy Spirit is the guarantor of truth, the principle of love and unity among brethren, the bringer of heavenly light amid darkness, confusion and ignorance. 

Dearest friends in Christ, as we begin this new day, I submit to the tenets and guidance of the Holy Spirit, your families, plans and purposes this day that He may dispel from your lives and families any form of darkness that beclouds truth and love, peace, equity and justice in your homes; that hatred, class distinctions and injustice may give way.  May He illuminate your pathways at all times, and in the manner Peter was sent to the home of Cornelius, may God send you counselors and helpers at your moments of needs. Amen

God be with you
Fr Remigius okafor, osj


  1. May holysprit refil my heart ......
    Amazing 😊

  2. Nice reflection


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